As you can see in the picture there is a small pouch/bump that has made itself a little home in my belly. Honestly I'm not totally sure yet whether this appearance is a much awaited baby bump or a dreaded fat pouch. Sometimes it definitely feels like the latter. I am already wearing my mommy jeans; that has been fun. Either way, though, it is still very exciting! I'm extremely jealous of those who seemingly experience those wonderful and easy pregnancies. From my experience so far there is absolutely nothing glamorous about it. But 2nd trimester here I come with open arms!
The baby is a little bigger than a fist now. It's crazy to think that a little creature is taking up that much room inside of me...but it's only the beginning. I have had two ultrasounds. The 2nd one was just supposed to be listening for the heartbeat, but the doc couldn't hear it so we had to do an ultrasound. Turns out baby was just in the middle of its daily exercise routine. It was a scary moment, but when we found baby it was moving around and it had little arms and feet. It also had a very healthy looking brain forming! It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I'm in the process of trying to get a scanner so that I can share those ultrasound pics with ya. I'm hardly carrying around much extra weight, but I'm finding it harder to maneuver myself around especially when it comes to bending and sitting and standing and tossing and turning in bed. I've also developed a pinched nerve in my lower back which makes it even harder to do things. I'm getting a massage on Sunday so hopefully that will help.
I have a very strict routine that I keep to these days. I eat breakfast between 8 and 9 followed by a one to two hour something I like to call "digestion period" where I lay down and read or sleep. Then I get ready for the day and find some lunch before noon. The rest of the day goes pretty smoothly though.
I have a 3D ultrasound scheduled for Sept. 29th where they will do a "fetal survey" whatever that is and also reveal whether "it" is a boy or a girl!! SOOOO, we have been hard at work coming up with a list of names for either gender, but I am going to request that whoever reads this also leaves a few suggestions of their own. Don't go too crazy now....I mean I already have names like vanessica, jaquese, and abdul covered thanks to my trusty name books. DON'T LET ME DOWN!!! haha:)
Henyways, I am hoping that I will get to see some of you sooner than later because I am missing my friends. In the meantime, I will be here cooking...not food. Love you all!