Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh the hormones!

It has only been a couple of days since my last post, but I can already feel a difference!  I have basically been sleeping every single afternoon all afternoon...well either the afternoon or the morning post-breakfast.  At first I could not believe how tired I was, but then I was reading my book and it said that my body is basically using more energy lying on the couch than a bodybuilder's would be working out at the gym!!  My first thought was SWEET, but then my second thought was why so much energy??!  You might think duh, you are making a baby!  And you would be correct, but there's something else!  Apparently it is really hard work to make the placenta.  Yes that ooowy goowy sack uses up a huge portion of your energy in the first four months....let's be honest is pretty important.  
Emotionally, the hormones have returned me to freshman year in high school when a mere 2 points off my biology test could send me into an emotional meltdown or to sophomore year when one look at the hideous dress I wore for my freshman picture could cause anyone to run around in a frantic panicky rage!  Yes, I guess you could say I am "STUCK IN A GLASS CAGE OF EMOTIONS!!!".   Movie?  Actually for the most part I'm still holding up pretty well.  I am still really happy, just sometimes easily irked or offended.  
         On another note, on Wednesday I decided to forego my usual power yoga class and try prenatal yoga.  I felt really uncomfortable when I walked in and every other woman there was ready to pop.  They were all seriously almost due and then there was me...I felt so out of place and awkward, especially when all the exercises were tailored to accommodate a huge infant-filled belly.  I only went to find out what stretches and positions I could still do safely in my power yoga class, but I definitely do not plan on returning to that class again any time soon.
          I've had a lot of time to sit around and think, but mostly I find myself thinking about what my baby is going to look like.  I wish I knew which features would combine...even boy or girl?  Oh well those times will come.  In the meantime, I will compare pictures and imagine! 


Vanessa said...

You are quickly becoming my favorite blogger Christie! And by the way, I have spent time picturing what your child will look like and all I can say is GORGEOUS! :)

Vanessa said...

I think you have some things to share, my dear. Here's your friendly nudge. :)

p.s. don't bring up my latent blogging...I'm in a funk- but you- you're having a baby!